You had to stop watching makeover shows on TV because it’s just too upsetting
You just can’t stop thinking how you would have done it differently
You’ve considered whether your friends like you or your incredible makeup ability
“Hey! How are you? So anyway, just wondering if you could suggest a good foundation for me…”
Your holiday spending budget is dedicated almost entirely to stocking up on makeup products
One for me…one for my kit
You have so many brushes you can only just fit them in your brush belt
And you know exactly what they’re all for
Whenever someone goes to touch something in your makeup kit you look like your face is going to melt off
Will they drop it? Have they washed their hands recently? Oh the stress
You have more selfies on your phone than you care to admit
And you even went through and deleted the hundreds of bad takes so if anyone went through your phone you wouldn’t look too self-obsessed
When a friend says “Let’s catch up! How’s Saturday?” you give them a look of death
Don’t they know you work weekends!?
You talk about skin tones like a MAC colour chart
“I can’t wait for summer, bring on NC40”
Your dream job is to be the person in charge of naming the O.P.I colours
Come on, how fun would that job be!?
When it’s Awards season and everyone is obsessing over all the celebrity outfits, you’re looking for the closeups of the hair and makeup
It’s what makes or breaks a look, really
It's a constant struggle dealing with clients who want you to do photoshoots for free
"It'll look great on your portfolio!" maybe, but it won't look as good as seeing food in your refridegerator though
You freak out whenever someone says “Let’s take a group pic!” and immediately check your reflection in the nearest available mirror or phone
You have your reputation to uphold girl, you have to look your best
You know when a client asks for a dramatic smokey eye they actually mean a natural look you’d feel is suitable for everyday wear
Just say nothing and do it anyway, it’s better for everyone
Whenever you see a great makeup on TV you say out loud “I wonder who did the makeup”
No one else cares
You’ve thought at least once about using the hashtag #anastasiabeverlyhills on your instagram makeup posts
It might take some of the stress out of waiting for the likes to turn from names into numbers
Getting your hands on a makeup brand you can’t get in your home town gives you a total sense of professional validation
“It’s from Germany, you can’t actually get it here yet”
If your brows are not on point, the whole day’s a write-off
Brows are life and yes you really do need all four brow products
Whenever you walk past a makeup counter, it’s a constant struggle to not clean and reorganise the products into a more eye-catching arrangement
Ok, maybe that one's just me!